hg38 / GRCh38
伊朗 Iranian: 29.74%
南高加索 South-Caucasian: 24.05%
北高加索 North-Caucasian: 17.54%
东地中海 East-Med: 15.28%
西地中海 West-Med: 7.01%
阿拉伯 Arabic: 4.35%
中非 Central-African: 1.88%
中美印第安 Meso-Amerind: 0.15%

高加索 Caucasian: 43.04%
德鲁兹人 Druzian: 31.20%
地中海 Mediterranean: 6.07%
北美印第安人 North Amerindian: 5.48%
阿拉伯 Arabic: 4.64%
东北欧 Northeast European: 3.71%
柏柏尔人 Berberic: 2.95%
中非 Central African: 2.47%
卡拉什人 Kalash: 0.44%

高加索 Caucasus: 47.31%
西南亚 Southwest Asian: 17.71%
北欧 North European: 12.96%
南亚 South Asian: 9.29%
大西洋地中海 Atlantic Med: 8.22%
东非 East African: 1.95%
撒哈拉以南非洲 Sub Saharan: 1.40%
格德罗西亚 Gedrosia: 1.17%

新石器时代安纳托利亚 Anatolian Neolithic: 51.53%
纳吐夫狩猎采集者 Natufian HG: 19.60%
欧洲狩猎采集者-大草原 EHG-Steppe: 16.56%
南欧亚 South Eurasian: 5.64%
非洲狩猎采集者 African HG: 3.17%
西方狩猎采集者 Western HG: 1.85%
撒哈拉以南非洲 Sub-Saharan: 1.64%

新石器时代伊朗 Iran-Neolithic: 35.45%
新石器时代安纳托利亚 Anatolia Neolithic: 30.56%
高加索狩猎采集者-早期欧洲农人 CHG-EEF: 21.63%
卡利吉亚纳 Karitiana: 7.13%
欧洲狩猎采集者 EHG: 5.13%
纳吐夫 Natufian: 0.10%
Coverage: 30.76% Average Depth: 1

Scientific institution

Himera, Sicily
Genomic analysis of 5th century BCE skeleton from Himera, Sicily, reveals confirmed case of achondroplasia An achondroplastic individual from 5 th century BCE Himera, Sicily The Greek colony of Himera lasted from 648 BCE until its destruction by Carthage in 409 BCE and is one of the most extensively excavated cities from the Greek archaic / classical world. The skeletal remains belonging to a single male individual showing morphological indications of dwarfism were found in 2009 in the Western Necropolis of Himera in Sicily. Genetic analysis of genome-wide data generated for this individual confirmed the diagnosis of achondroplasia. This individual had entirely Anatolian ancestry
5 th century BCE
Genomic analysis of 5th century BCE skeleton from Himera, Sicily, reveals confirmed case of achondroplasia

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